Ándres Duque: My Outburst with Iván

In this issue, Andrés Duque, speaks in first person, about his relationship with Iván Zulueta, and the steps taken to record his documentary IVÁN Z

My Outburst with Iván

I saw “Arrebato” (Iván Zulueta) for first time in a retrospective offered by the Cinemática of Caracas about the best of Spanish cinema; it was around 1991. As well as much other people who had previously seeing the movie, I had the feeling I had just participated in a hypnotic and bloodsucker experience. The film addressed me, or better said, it arouse some of my childhood memories with an exciting faithfulness. The pleasure of watching picture card albums and letting yourself getting lost in those sceneries, all the erotic load that Betty Boop or Peter Pan can awake, the sticky textures of some objects, the light sparkles bouncing out when the sun comes into the window, well, a world full of memories started resettling my mind to right after lead me to the outburst. From that moment, I could not take this movie out of my mind. info

How to be María Cañas or a compulsive homo videns

María Cañas, that will accompany us at the (S8) Festival with a video installation and a Master Class, gets closer to(S8)’s Blog to answer our questions. We hope you enjoy it.

How to be María Cañas or a compulsive homo videns

– María Cañas proclaims herself Seville’s film librarian, audiovisual cannibal, collector, fond of the cinema, cibergarrulla, savage media coverage, iconoclastic, corruptor, buñuelista, zensualista, mythomaniac…but, of course, something that you do is continuous screen operations…in this eternal cut and paste, how much of a scalpel a look must have? Do you feel like a surgeon?
Yes, iconoclastic surgeon, image violator, punk cannibal, Doctor Frankenstein, audiovisual detritus alchemist…I am an inconvenience for those purist film and photography directors, they look at me as someone who cuts their work in pieces.
I use materials from archives and recycled residues as a way of lived cinematographic construction. My passion is the type of cinema produced with few means but without limits. info

Mobileskino: super8, artistic activism, manifestos and installations


Mobileskino will bring their full work to the space of the old Provincial Prison of A Coruña within the framework of (S8) Periheral Film Festival. Do not stop reading the explication given by the group and come and enjoy them at the (S8).

Mobileskino is a collective of four Super8 activists: Florian Olloz, Roland Schmidt, Gilbert Engelhard and David Pfluger. They founded Mobileskino in 2000 with the idea to spread the philosophy of Super8 and make cinema something interactive rather than a place where you sit down and consume images. The first projections and installations were shown in Basel and Zürich, the cities they come from. Their products are short movies with or without action, documentations, animations and loops. The films are shown in installations, as a collage of layers, as main movie or as accompaniment with or without sound. info

Marcos Nine.- J.E.D.N, referential figure in a cinematography scene without icons

José Ernesto Díaz Noriega

Marcos Nine, author and director of the following works: J.E.D.N José Ernesto Díaz Noriega and Pensando en Soledad, writes for (S8) a personal reflection about the figure of the father of the amateur cinema in Galicia.


JEDN: Referential figure in a cinematography scene without icons

It is impossible for me to talk about José Ernesto Díaz-Noriega from a point of view that is not strictly personal and subjective. In my case, his figure goes beyond the brilliance of his films. He is, above other considerations, the first referential figure. info