Interview to Richard Einhorn, composer of Voices of Light/ The passion of Joan of Arc

Richard Einhorn
Richard Einhorn (1952) is one of the great composers of contemporary classical music. He studied with teachers such as Jack Beeson, Vladimir Ussachevsky or Mario Davidovsky. He has composed operas, ballets, and even soundtracks for horror films. Today he premieres Voices of Light / The passion of Joan of Arc, an opera/oratorio that accompanies the masterpiece by Danish filmmaker Carl Theodor Dreyer (1928), as the opening of the (S8) 9th Mostra Internacional de Cinema Periférico of A Coruña, the film festival devoted to avant-garde cinema that runs until June 3. The film and the composition deal with the judicial process of the French heroine in which visions, fantasies and reflections are interwoven from different sources, above all from mystical female medieval texts. This overwhelming score is directed by Fernando Briones and is performed by the Gaos Choir and Orchestra. info