Posts Tagged ‘iván zulueta’

Ándres Duque: My Outburst with Iván

In this issue, Andrés Duque, speaks in first person, about his relationship with Iván Zulueta, and the steps taken to record his documentary IVÁN Z

My Outburst with Iván

I saw “Arrebato” (Iván Zulueta) for first time in a retrospective offered by the Cinemática of Caracas about the best of Spanish cinema; it was around 1991. As well as much other people who had previously seeing the movie, I had the feeling I had just participated in a hypnotic and bloodsucker experience. The film addressed me, or better said, it arouse some of my childhood memories with an exciting faithfulness. The pleasure of watching picture card albums and letting yourself getting lost in those sceneries, all the erotic load that Betty Boop or Peter Pan can awake, the sticky textures of some objects, the light sparkles bouncing out when the sun comes into the window, well, a world full of memories started resettling my mind to right after lead me to the outburst. From that moment, I could not take this movie out of my mind. info

amalgama: iván zulueta

On this  occasion, Andrés Duque (programmer of Opera Prima for (S8), points out the creative relation between drugs-use and filmmaking in the cinema of Iván Zulueta.

VIDEO: AMALGAMA, 1976, Super 8


In the 60’s people took acids to make the world weird; now the world is weird, and people takes Prozac to make it normal. Legal drugs are there to change our perception of time, from Kairos to Cronos. Zulueta’s films work the other way around to show us potential time, timeless and eternal. As Pedro P. states in the film Arrebato: “The mirror opens its doors to show me… (pause accompanied by a sneeze) … the other.”
“The other”, i. e., is like the shameless and not alienating decision that complements with “the one” and whose function is to oppose the latter representing the unclassifiable, the reprehensible, the censurable. It is this other side of the coin that Zulueta dared to explore with honesty and untill it’s ultimate consequences.

– Andrés Duque –