Posts Tagged ‘Obradoiro’

Phil Hoffman. Living / Filming

Imaxe: Phil Hoffman. Intro

Watching Phil Hoffman’s films, it seems that living and filming are the same thing. Hoffman has managed since the beginning of his career (he started in the seventies) to master the art of the filmed diary, making sincerity and emotion combine perfectly with form. Born in 1955 in Kitchener, Ontario, Hoffman holds a prominent place in the rich scene of Canadian experimental filmmaking, not only as a filmmaker but also as the driving force behind an educational project that has marked the lives and ways of doing of many other filmmakers since he started in 1994: Film Farm. A sort of collective “spiritual retreat” or “summer camp” for filmmakers in which personal and experimental projects are carried out in film format, and with handcrafted and ecological development techniques. info

Mini (S8) Workshop
The expanded image. Film Laboratory and Audiovisual Experimentation

Two mornings of experimentation and audiovisual creation covering in a practical and fun way
key elements of the audiovisual language, in a workshop for children aged 7 to 12 years.

Using analog and digital projection devices, with the help of lenses, magnifiers and flashlights, we will discover the magic and fascinating power of cinema. Thanks to the filmmaker Xisela Franco ( and the audiovisual artist Juanma LoDo ( we will invent games of shadows, we will create our own audiovisual contents: frames with clippings and we will animate them, we will play with light and with all kinds of animate and inanimate objects. All this will be recorded with digital video recording devices (DSLR camera, camera-phone, HD webcam…) and we will project it again to move ahead in the process of creating new languages ​​and audiovisual narratives.

So in the course of this fast and hallucinatory trip we will know some pre-cinema toys,
we will discover chronophotography with the experiments of Muybrige and Marey, or we will sample the primitive cinema (Alice Guy, Lumière brothers, Méliès). The next step will be to discover the magic of edition (Kulechov, Hitchcock), to experience the association of images that creates senses. And finally we want to elucidate the possibilities that the arrival of the sound meant. To make this journey more interactive in search of the secrets of the fascination of cinema, we will use cybernetic and digital technology, and alternate different software so that the computer will become the final catalyst for our own images, sounds and sensations.

VENUE: Luis Seoane Foundation, San Francisco Street, 27, A Coruña.
SCHEDULE: Saturday, May 27 from 11 AM to 2 PM / Sunday 28 May from 12 AM to 2 PM
REGISTRATION: At the email address [email protected] heading “Mini (S8) Workshop“ in the subject line of the message. Limited places.
PRICE: € 10